Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Moving my design into the designated site.

Initially I chose to continue using the original site I had chosen for the previous "Waking up" project, the park outside the railway station.

I came upon the idea of integrated the nature of my site with the idea of the ritual of the dinner table, but rather than the traditional table, I came upon the idea of a picnic.

(An example of my intentions.)

However, upon further reflection, I decided to challenge the notion of the classic picnic in the park. The residential areas in the designated site, for me, seemed remarkably cold and unlived in. I went to an open home into one of the nearby apartments only to find it was very cold temperature wise, as well as being stark and simple. If the designers of this complex truely can call this a residential area, then there should be life visible, not just clear divisions of where people can and can't experience Architecture. Therefore, I choose instead to position my picnic outside of the apartment block I had visited, the chaos and fun of a family picnic thus interrupting and in some ways improving the sterile atmosphere exerted by the residential area.

(The new proposed site plan, slightly cartoonish but showing the chaotic fun that I envision a picnic to have.)

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