Wednesday, 10 August 2011

"Architecture Orientated Otherwise"

This article deals primarily with the idea as architecture as a performance instead of merely a static structure.

Topography is the description of such surface shapes and features (especially their depiction in maps).The topography of an area can also mean the surface shape and features themselves.

"Eventmental" is a made up word by Jean-Luc Marion, prompting you to think of the word "environmental" but in the sense of an event.

Hermeneutics: "Though the interpretation of buildings is clearly of abiding interest, there are several traditions of architectural scholarship that draw explicitly on the hermeneutics of Heidegger and Gadamer." This word is used a lot in theology, translating scriptures from Hebrew to Aramaic for example, into the current Modern English bible we are familiar with today. Therefore several layers of meaning must be interpreted in order to establish the original text in the original source with as much accuracy as possible. This layering of meaning must be extracted out of the setting, in order to allow for full comprehension.

The text argues that events are always better than anticipated, however it then contradicts itself, claiming that "if the event is only what was anticipated it will have been both uneventful and unmemorable." I disagree with this, as there is no way to foretell the experience of an event because your emotional reaction to it cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy.

The built thing would be an "object" whilst the subjects are the people, who consider, react and experience the building, or "object." The example used in the text is an auditoriam/lecture theatre. Where we are the subjects of the building, the stage so to speak of the events we are attending (the event being our existing within the building.)

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