Friday, 12 August 2011

Main focus: Patterns #2 and #7

These are the patterns that I chose to focus on. Pattern # 7 (the top pattern) has layering which is reminiscent of the layering of several blankets, and I would use this form in my design in combination with my previously made blanket shapes to produce a child's fort-like tent, an activity which symbolizes protection (from the fort and parents) as well as incorporating materials used in a regular picnic.

Pattern #2 (the bottom pattern) is a somewhat more basic pattern, but the simple weaving could possibly be achieved with the twist tool I had experimented with in Media last semester, which as I recall had a very interesting effect on prims. This twisted and distorted shape could be utilized in the "box" like structure that I intend to create to contrast the "blob" like structure of the blankets, showing order and chaos.

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